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Julian Assange: London court will rule on WikiLeaks founder's extradition appeal

TIME:2024-06-03 18:03:31 Source: Internet compilationEdit:travel

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LONDON (AP) — Lawyers for Julian Assange argued Monday that the U.S. provided “blatantly inadequate”

LONDON (AP) — Lawyers for Julian Assange argued Monday that the U.S. provided “blatantly inadequate” assurances the WikiLeaks founder would have free press protections if extradited to America to face espionage charges.

Lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said prosecutors had failed to guarantee that Assange, who is an Australian citizen and claims protections as a journalist for publishing U.S. classified information, could rely on press protections of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

“The real issue is whether an adequate assurance has been provided to remove the real risk identified by the court,” Fitzgerald said. “It is submitted that no adequate assurance has been made.”

The hearing in the High Court in London could end with Assange being sent to the U.S. to face espionage charges, or could provide him another chance to appeal his extradition.